Case Studies
Lodge in Namibia

Remote Lodge In Namibia

Farm and Lodge Signal Booster

Although we have many photos of installation at lodges depicting the success story of a repeater/signal booster creating good cellular coverage where previously there was none, this is the most spectacular due to the amazing landscape and the layout of the lodge amongst the rock outcrops.

Not only is this lodge remote, (around 30 kilometres from a BTS) but it is also behind a ridge of boulders spread out in a valley in the Namibian wilderness.

The lodge now receives a good solid GSM signal that offers voice and data coverage which previously did not exist. It offers all the guests, admin and emergency a communication service which radio and satellite phone can not do.

These services at supplied at normal network rates. Spectacular view and spectacular installation -SDE took great care not to do degradation to the beautiful landscape with the placement of antennae. Complements to Tandelta Comms. in Namibia who were the project contractors.

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